AGM Architects


2016 – Partnership with ar-architectes

With As of October 2016, we are officially partners with ar-architectes,, a reputable French architectural office specialized in HQE ( haute qualité environnementale) , the French eco- architecture version of Leed .
Our last collaboration with ar-architectes is the competition of the ” Lycee-Bonaparte in Doha-Qatar”.

2018 – Alain-Georges Moujaes Acquired the ADR Certificate

L’institut Francaise d’ Arbitrage International
M. Alain Moujaes
A passé avec succés le programme de formation d’un expert/conseillé international dans le domain de l’arbitrage commercial international des contrats de B.O.O.T. de F.J,D.J. C. lors de la conference tenue en date du 123-10-2018, fait à Beyrouth.

View Certificate